Thank you to the Waxahachie Daily Light (WDL) for the mention in Sunday's paper. Although the publisher shed us in a negative light, we appreciate the mention in WDL publisher Scott Brooks' Sunday rant that typically criticizes residents.
Although we have no respect for WDL publisher Scott Brooks, an outsider brought in to pretend he knows this community, we have high respect for Neil White, Shelly Conlon and the majority of the staff at WDL.
It was a surprise to us of the criticism after our publisher helped one of his editors correct a misinformed resident, whom was also the target of Brooks' rant. Brooks' own editor thanked our publisher for the assistance in clarifying with the other party for the assistance.
Brooks attempts to associate us with a Facebook page in which we, nor our publisher, has any administrative rights over. Nor does the administrator of that page have anything to do with the Ellis County Citizen.
We had also shared the WDL article about a WISD UIL complaint (which we have since deleted after introducing their article to over 9,000 people) while giving praise to their journalist for doing an excellent job. This was the same topic Brooks had issues with that our publisher helped Brooks' editor explain to another party how the information was obtained.
It's fine though. We would rather Brooks direct his focus on us and our publisher rather than the citizens of Ellis County.
Unfortunately, rather than spending time on looking at real issues, Brooks wants to attack residents of Ellis County. And, unfortunately, he has distracted us into attacking him in rebuttal. We have better things to do than play the Brooks' "boost my revenue and readership" games.
We'll help Brooks a little more since the WDL has introduced us to their readers.
Direct message to Brooks:
It's all about sales isn't it? Create controversy with someone who has a large following (second to the WDL in the county) so you'll get a response to help direct some of that readership to your paper? We tried to do it in the right way by sharing one of your articles along with praise and it backfired. So here's your second chance, but in a less than flattering way. We won't be taking the bait again.
However, we, and our publisher, will gladly have you write about us again in the future to help waste your time in order to protect other residents from your attacks and then you turn around to ask them for a comment AFTER the fact.
(Note to WDL: You do not have permission to reprint any of this.)