WAXAHACHIE — In recently obtained Johnson County Sheriff's video, Ellis County Commissioner Dennis Robinson attempted to use his elected official title to get out of two citations while being defiant and disrespectful to a Sheriff's Deputy when pulled over for a traffic stop in what appears to be during the month of November of this year.
The officer pulled Robinson over for failing to use a turn signal and tailgating two vehicles.
"The reason is your vehicle is being stopped is you're weaving in and out of traffic without using a turn signal and you're also tailgating," the officer said.
"Is there any reason you're going that fast, you in a hurry, medical emergency, anything like that."
Robinson responded that he was going slow.
"Well even going slow you're still required to use a turn signal and you're also tailgating that red truck and then the brown van that was in front of you," the officer replied.
After running Robinson's driver's license and insurance, the deputy informed Robinson he would be receiving two citations.
"You're going to receive two citations: following too close and fail to signal a lane change," the deputy said.
Robinson quickly quipped, "I'm an Ellis County Commissioner. I guess if you don't have nothing better to do... (inaudible)."
The deputy proceeded to tell Robinson to sign the citation multiple times as Robinson tried to use his elected official title of county commissioner to get out of the citations.
"I'm a county commissioner and I know we don't write tickets," Robinson said.
The officer repeated for Robinson to sign the citations twice more before Robinson blurted, "I'll do what I wanna do but... (inaudible)."
Although Robinson's next comments are inaudible on the video, it is clear that he proceeds to mouth off to the officer.
"You can keep running your mouth sir. Everything is on a recording so have a wonderful day," the deputy concludes.
This incident precedes Robinson's disturbing remarks made during the December 8 commissioners' court meeting.
Robinson attempted to coax County Treasurer Cheryl Chambers to ignore state law in regard to her duty to deposit county funds into the bank rather than using a private, third-party courier.
"I'm not big on just, you know, doing everything the State or Federal Government tells me to do. I'd rather use my own commonsense and decision and wait until they tell me no you can't do it before I just say well I'm not going to do it because," Robinson said.
"When I took my oath of office, I swore that I would follow the law and so that's what I'm trying to do," Chambers responded confidently.
In an ironic twist, Robinson was chosen as the 2015 County Judge Pro-Tem earlier in the same meeting.
Video courtesy Johnson County Sheriff's Office