OK, folks, it’s that time again.
School is just around the corner and we need to be aware of where the school zones are, so start looking now and familiarize yourself with the school zones and their times – just in case there’s a malfunction with the flashing lights.
Also watch for the kids gathered up in areas waiting on the bus. They’re kids and they’ll forget about traffic when they’re horsing around with their friends. They could step or run into the traffic lanes and we don’t want a tragic accident to happen.
Please, please slow down and watch out for the kids. Just two seconds added to your drive could save a lifetime of heartache.
As always, keep our military and service personnel in your thoughts and prayers as we remember that the rights and freedoms we enjoy begin with their service and safekeeping of our great nation. May you have a Blessed Week.
Johnny Brown has served as Sheriff of Ellis County since Jan. 1, 2009, and is a graduate of the National Sheriff’s Institute. He has been in law enforcement for more than 20 years and holds a Master’s Peace Officer’s Certificate with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education.