LETTER: Moyers – Don’t be fooled; Vote NO on upcoming WISD bonds

Letter to the Editor:

Attention, Waxahachie taxpayers! Here's Waxahachie ISD's "Order Calling a Bond Election and Notice of Bond Election." In addition, side by side comparison of the district's information released to the public for both the 2015 & 2017 bond referendums. Please note several important facts.

1. The Notice of Bond Election, Proposition A. States, "in the aggregate principal amount of $65,000,000 for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, renovating, and equipping school facilities within the District." That's a BLANK CHECK, folks, in the amount of $65 MILLION. The legal wording of this notice DOES NOT legally bind the District to use these funds to build an elementary, to build another elementary, (years from now, once the district reaches 90% functional capacity at the elementary level,) an agricultural barn, or perform renovations to Northside Elementary. Come on School Board Trustees; were they all unaware of the administration's wording of the notice? I expect better oversight of the taxpayers' money, than allowing ANOTHER blank check.

2. On the side by side comparison of the 2015 & 2017 bond referendums, please note that the public was told with the building of a new high school, (that only has an additional 10 classrooms compared to the existing high school and ninth grade campus, combined,) the re-purposing of existing facilities, (changing the Wilemon building to an elementary, creating a new junior high at the old high school/ninth grade campus, and renovations at Turner, thus creating a second elementary,) would address STUDENT GROWTH AT ALL LEVELS. Broken promise? Apparently so, since less than 3 years later, the administration is calling another $78 million bond referendum. Also, please know, the swim team currently practice at a very nice facility at SAGU, so why is there a need for a $13 million natatorium? In the 2015 bond, the Superintendent promised, $10-$15 million was to be spent on Life Skill facilities, at the new high school. That promise was documented in the Waxahachie Daily Light. $10-$15 million HAS NOT BEEN SPENT ON SPECIAL EDUCATION FACILITIES.

3. District administration and the "YES," PAC are currently meeting with special interest groups in an effort to garner support for this 2017 bond. Notice there have not been the numerous signs, around town, as there were during the 2015 bond. District administration are also sending emails to district employees, in an attempt to coerce district employees into voting in favor of this bond. Ask your children if administration has visited their schools for a "financial literacy," lecture, that ends with instructions to "Go tell your parents to vote, 'YES,' for this bond." Administrators are counting on the vast majority of the public being unaware that a $78 million bond is being voted on! Let's prove the district's administration and "YES," PAC, wrong! Taxpayers, please educate yourselves on the bond specifications, or in this case, the LACK of SPECIFICATIONS. This BOND is NOT in the best interest of our CHILDREN. It's an attempt of a Superintendent to "pad his resume," and say he's passed over $200 MILLION IN BONDS, in under 3 years. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE "YES," PAC. It's NOT for our kids.

Instead of the School Board Trustees calling for another bond, I would prefer to see them call for a COMPLETE FORENSIC AUDIT, by an independent, outside auditor, of how the 2015 bond has been spent. (I'd prefer to see an audit of all district finances, but I'll be happy if they start with the 2015 bond funds.) The sky is not falling, portables have been bought, and our children are still learning. There isn't an emergency forcing us to approve this bond. Early voting starts October 23rd.

IT'S OK TO VOTE, "NO." Your children will thank you. The district is close to bond capacity, and if this one passes, then there won't be any chances for a "do over.

ATTACHMENT:Moyers WISD Letter 2017-10-16

— Shannon Moyers, Waxahachie

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